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ADDIS is a software developed within the Dutch Escher-project for managing and analyzing clinical trial information.

ADDIS is a proof-of-concept system that allows us to simultaneously discover the possibilities of and the requirements on a database of structured clinical trials data. The automated discovery and (meta-)analysis of trial data, as well as benefit-risk assessment is supported.

ADDIS comes with two built-in examples:

Hospital OS

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Hospital OS is a Hospital Information System for managing hospital operations. It is a Client - Server software in which the server works as a central unit that stores all of the information and the clients are the units that feed the information into the server.

COMSATS Open Source Healthcare Management System (COS-HMS)

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COMSATS Open Source Healthcare Management System (COS-HMS) is designed and developed on scalable architecture and technologies like Java EE, MySQL, JBoss Application Server on Linux platform. It adheres the compliance of international standards like ICD-10 (World Health Organization's International Classification of Diseases), DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) & LOINC (Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes).


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iDART is a software solution designed to support the dispensing of ARV drugs in the public health care sector. It supports pharmacists in their important role of dispensing accurately to an increasing number of patients whilst still being able to engage and assist the patient.


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Symbiosys is an implementation of PatientOS where the UI layer uses with Eclipse's RCP, JFace and SWT Widget libraries to achieve native look and feel of the gui at runtime.


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PatientOS has been designed from the outset to be a Healthcare Information System (HIS). The software architecture, design patterns and framework has been built for the complexities and challenges of an enterprise wide information system.

It is a Healthcare Information System (EHR EMR PMS) for small hospitals and clinics. Scheduling, Orders, Meds, Pharmacy, Clinical Doc, HL7, Billing & more. Broad commercial support. Distributed clinical system written in pure Java with toolset to customize.


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OPENeP is a comprehensive electronic prescribing and medication management system, constantly improved in collaboration with pharmacists, doctors, and nurses. The system is designed as a stand-alone solution, with easy integration options to connect to the existing EHR system, and medication related decision support systems.

Medication Reconcilliation
Inpatient and Outpatient Prescribing
Pharmacist Review
Medication Administration
Comprehensive Discharge

Open Hospital

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The aim of this project, conceived by Informatici Senza Frontiere ONLUS, was to create a software, called Open Hospital, for an hospital in Angal (Uganda).
Thanks to our work, ordinary administrative and management practices were computerized and their efficency improved. In addition to that, more than 5 other hospitals in the world decided to adopt Open Hospital, especially in Africa, but also in Herat (Afghanisthan), owning to the ISAF Italian Command in that region.


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OSCAR (Open Source Clinical Application and Resource) from McMaster University is a web-based EMR (electronic medical record) system developed for academic primary care clinics yet suitable in specialty and non-teaching practices. It integrates with Drugref to provide Canadian pharmacopea.