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Our mission is to revolutionize healthcare delivery in remote areas through innovative mobile information services that improve patient access to medical specialists for faster, high quality, and more cost effective diagnosis and intervention.
Based on the work and contributions of students, volunteers, partner organizations, and sponsors, Sana offers an open source data collection and collaboration platforms for clinical research and best practice health care delivery for underserved rural populations.

Sinapsis HIS

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Sinapsis-HIS is a Health Information System designed as a collection of Hospital Information Systems that synchronize their databases with a single region-wide database that contains all medical records and other information in a unified format.

  • Sinapsis contains Care2x software ported to PHP5 and rewritten with a clearer 3-tier architecture (Presentation, Logic and Database)
  • Currently has the original Patient and Medical Record modules, as well as a (new) Interconsultation module (other modules will be rewritten following the 3-tier architecture)

Community Health Information Tracking System (CHITS)

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The Community Health Information Tracking System or CHITS ( is an extensible, modular, open source information system for rural health units (initially for the Philippines). It collects existing routine health data from vertical programs in the Field Health Service Information System (FHSIS) and integrates them into a unified, comprehensive computerized information system.