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Ruby HL7

Your rating: None Average: 2.4 (5 votes)

Ruby HL7 is a simple library for parsing and generating HL7 2.x messages. 3.x support is planned in the future.

CCR Validator

Your rating: None Average: 4 (2 votes)

his is a simple J2EE Servlet implementation of the CCR Validator. This
Validator utilizes a RETE based rules engine (JBoss Drools) to implement
the validation testing. This allows for the rules to be updated independently
and more importantly supports the implementation of rule packages for
different profiles.

PUMA repository

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The PUMA Repository (Pascal units for medical applications) is a collection of reusable source code for bioinformatics. It is compatible with Lazarus and Free Pascal, parts of the source code can also be used with Delphi and winsoft Pocket Studio.
Components of the PUMA repository include a unit converter for transforming instrumentation readouts consisting of a numerical value and a measurement unit, and an HL7 engine for reading, parsing, compiling and writing HL7 messages.

Open eHealth Integration Platform (IPF)

Your rating: None Average: 4.4 (52 votes)

The Open eHealth Integration Platform (IPF) provides interfaces for health-care related integration solutions. An prominent example of an healthcare-related use case of IPF is the implementation of interfaces for transactions specified in Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) profiles.

IPF can be easily embedded into any Java application and additionally supports deployments inside OSGi environments.