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Symbiosys is an implementation of PatientOS where the UI layer uses with Eclipse's RCP, JFace and SWT Widget libraries to achieve native look and feel of the gui at runtime.

Dcm4chee Lite Viewer

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Turyon DCM4CHEE Lite Viewer allows us to work or download DICOM images stored on the DCM4CHEE PACS.
Main features are: 2D, MPR and 3D Volume Reconstruction (VR).
Plug-in architecture.
Users can download all or authorized only DICOM images on a remote or local DCM4CHEE PACS.
This viewer can send a DICOM Structured Report (SR) to the PACS.
Cross-platform. Made in Java.
Free and open source. Download it, use it, modify it and share your improvements!!! Join us to make of this a better piece of software. Released under GPL v3.


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Screensaver is a Lab Information Management System (LIMS) for high-throughput screening of small molecule and RNAi biological assays. It is a Java/JSF/Hibernate/Spring web application that is actively being developed and used at Harvard Medical School.

In detail it offers the following features:

  • Libraries
    • Manage screening libraries, including small molecule and RNAi libraries.
    • Import library plate/well contents from SD and Excel files for small molecule and RNAi libraries, respectively.


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CollaboRhythm is a technology platform that enables a new paradigm of healthcare delivery; one where patients are empowered to become active participants and where doctors and other health professionals are transformed into real-time coaches. We believe that this radical shift in thinking is necessary to dramatically reduce healthcare costs, increase quality, and improve health outcomes.


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The Raxa JSS EMR is an information management system ("Raxa") designed for and to be initially implemented at the Jan Swasthya Sahyog (JSS), a healthcare non-governmental organization (NGO) working in a largely rural, underserved community in India. Raxa JSS EMR is an OpenMRS based Health Information System.


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PatientOS has been designed from the outset to be a Healthcare Information System (HIS). The software architecture, design patterns and framework has been built for the complexities and challenges of an enterprise wide information system.

It is a Healthcare Information System (EHR EMR PMS) for small hospitals and clinics. Scheduling, Orders, Meds, Pharmacy, Clinical Doc, HL7, Billing & more. Broad commercial support. Distributed clinical system written in pure Java with toolset to customize.


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HIEOS is an open source implementation of Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) Cross Enterprise Document Sharing (XDS.b) and Cross Community Access (XCA) integration profiles.

SNOMED Release Validation Framework

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The Release Validation Framework is an useful tool for validating SNOMED CT RF2 packages – SNOMED International is open-sourcing the Release Validation Framework in order to allow people to extend it as they require for their own purposes. Non-standard packages (such as translated content), therefore, will need additional assertions adding by the user in order to validate all scenarios.


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Virtual Medical Training (ViMeT) is an object-oriented framework that uses virtual reality to simulate medical training.
