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Mountain Meadow EMR

Your rating: None Average: 3 (4 votes)

Mountain Meadow EM is an Office Electronic Medical Record, which is fast, reliable and customizable. Microsoft .NET client programs connect to a local server on the network. Smaller offices can use SQL Server Express. Program pieces compilable with VB or C# Express.

Hospital System Osiris (HIS)

Your rating: None Average: 4.4 (17 votes)

The system hospital osiris, it is a program for the administration of hospitals, this constructed in Glade+Mono+Sharp+GTK# and run GNU/Linux


Your rating: None Average: 2.5 (4 votes)

Symbiosys is an implementation of PatientOS where the UI layer uses with Eclipse's RCP, JFace and SWT Widget libraries to achieve native look and feel of the gui at runtime.

Dcm4chee Lite Viewer

Your rating: None Average: 3.5 (4 votes)

Turyon DCM4CHEE Lite Viewer allows us to work or download DICOM images stored on the DCM4CHEE PACS.
Main features are: 2D, MPR and 3D Volume Reconstruction (VR).
Plug-in architecture.
Users can download all or authorized only DICOM images on a remote or local DCM4CHEE PACS.
This viewer can send a DICOM Structured Report (SR) to the PACS.
Cross-platform. Made in Java.
Free and open source. Download it, use it, modify it and share your improvements!!! Join us to make of this a better piece of software. Released under GPL v3.


Your rating: None Average: 2.1 (7 votes)

A Dental Practice Management Suite developed and used by a successful mixed NHS/private Scottish Dental Practice. Appointments, patient records, treatment planning, billing etc.


Your rating: None Average: 2.8 (13 votes)

GastrOS is an endoscopic reporting software based on open standards: openEHR and MST. Built upon stable reference model & driven in runtime by Archetypes. It is part of our research at the University of Auckland to study maintainability & interoperability.

Features are:

  • Uses openEHR Archetypes and Templates
  • Based on the international standard terminology - MST
  • Dynamic GUI creation and data binding
  • Can create endoscopy reports
  • Can be extended by modifying the model - no coding

Open Enterprise Master Patient Index (OpenEMPI)

Your rating: None Average: 2.5 (39 votes)

OpenEMPI is an open source implementation of an Enterprise Master Patient (EMPI) which is a repository that maintains a registry of all patients across an enterprise.


Your rating: None Average: 2.6 (7 votes)

The Technology Assisted Practice Application Suite (TAPAS) is a model to assist primary care physicians use technology in a targeted manner in their practices. It is an open source (GPL 2.0) collection of tools.


Your rating: None Average: 3.4 (7 votes)

Animal Clinic or Veterinary practice management. Stores and manipulates clients, animals, appointments, operations, medication, procedures. Generates bills, receipts and forms and tracks batch numbers. Fully network compatible.


Your rating: None Average: 4 (22 votes)

vxVistA is FOIA VistA that has been modified and enhanced by DSS, Inc. to work in non-VA health care delivery settings. Modifications include removing references to “veterans” and allowing the use of medical record numbers rather than the social security number which the VA uses for patient identification.

Enhancements include:

  • Streamlined menu options for many core functions
  • Prescription Writing and printing
  • Laboratory Order Print with BarCode
  • Pediatric Problem List changes
  • OB/GYN Problem List changes
