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HOSxP is client/server hospital information system serving in 300+ hospitals in Thailand. HOSxP has many modules which keep and processing data of Patient, Operation, Medication, Laboratory, Radiology and Financial.


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Screensaver is a Lab Information Management System (LIMS) for high-throughput screening of small molecule and RNAi biological assays. It is a Java/JSF/Hibernate/Spring web application that is actively being developed and used at Harvard Medical School.

In detail it offers the following features:

  • Libraries
    • Manage screening libraries, including small molecule and RNAi libraries.
    • Import library plate/well contents from SD and Excel files for small molecule and RNAi libraries, respectively.

LIMS for proteomics (LIPAGE)

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LIPAGE is an open source laboratory information management system for 2DPAGE-based proteomics.


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Care2x integrates data, functions and workflows in a healthcare environment. It is currently composed of four major components. Each of these components can also function individually.

  • HIS - Hospital/Healthservice Information System
  • PM - Practice (GP) management
  • CDS - Central Data Server
  • HXP - Health Xchange Protocol

Open Hospital

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The aim of this project, conceived by Informatici Senza Frontiere ONLUS, was to create a software, called Open Hospital, for an hospital in Angal (Uganda).
Thanks to our work, ordinary administrative and management practices were computerized and their efficency improved. In addition to that, more than 5 other hospitals in the world decided to adopt Open Hospital, especially in Africa, but also in Herat (Afghanisthan), owning to the ISAF Italian Command in that region.


Your rating: None Average: 3.2 (5 votes)

OpenELIS is a robust Enterprise Laboratory Information System built around an extensible and scalable framework.

OpenELIS is designed and developed through the collaborative efforts of Public Health Laboratories to accommodate business processes that are common to all public health laboratories; encompassing clinical, environmental, newborn screening, and animal testing.


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Bika combines web content management and workflow processing for a one-stop web-based LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System).