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TutatiX it's a Dicom Viewer written in python. TutatiX try to be a guide to known how Dicom works and how to develop an application. The must important part of TutatiX it's the documentation that must be detailed and easy to understand.


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OMERO is client-server software for visualisation, management and analysis of biological microscope images.

From the microscope to publication, OMERO handles all your images in a secure central repository. You can view, organise, analyse and share your data from anywhere you have internet access. Work with your images from a desktop app (Windows, Mac or Linux), from the web or from 3rd party software.


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Epigrass is a open-source simulation platform created to study epidemics and their spatial (geographic) dinamics.

Epigrass was developed as a scientific project, by the founders of Metamodellers at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation. Currently, Metamodellers is the main maintainer of the code, ensuring its continuous improvement while remaining a completely free tool.


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MeVisLab represents a platform for image processing research and development with a focus on medical imaging. It allows fast integration and testing of new algorithms and the development of application prototypes that can be used in clinical environments.


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Simple medical records manager for the desktop to mantain medical records.
It is thought to be easy to use and it's mainly addressed to a single doctor.

It features:

  • Patient management
  • Doctor management (with associated patients)
  • Visit creation/editing
  • Medicine search online (via plugins)
  • Calendar for events and visits
  • Extensibility via plugins


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A Dental Practice Management Suite developed and used by a successful mixed NHS/private Scottish Dental Practice. Appointments, patient records, treatment planning, billing etc.

3D Slicer

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3D Slicer is an open source software platform for medical image informatics, image processing, and three-dimensional visualization. Built over two decades through support from the National Institutes of Health and a worldwide developer community, Slicer brings free, powerful cross-platform processing tools to physicians, researchers, and the general public.


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The GNUmed project builds free, liberated open source Electronic Medical Record software in multiple languages to assist and improve longitudinal care. It is made available at no charge and is capable of running on GNU/Linux, Windows and Mac OS X. It is developed by a handful of medical doctors and programmers from all over the world. It can be useful to anyone documenting the health of patients including, but not limited to, doctors, physical therapists, occupational therapists ...


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The CYTOMINE project (started in 2010) is continuously developing a rich internet application using modern web technologies, databases, and machine learning to foster active and distributed collaboration and ease large-scale image exploitation. Our software is e.g. being used by life scientists to help them better evaluate drug treatments or understand biological processes directly from whole-slide tissue images, by pathologists to share and ease their diagnosis, and by teachers and students for pathology training purposes.