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Zyxware Health Monitoring System

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Zyxware Health Monitoring System is a web based disease monitoring for monitoring diseases like chikungunya, malaria - reported by hospitals in a district, county, state or country. There is a reporting & analysis module and a GIS module which displays the data using google maps.


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EEG-Holter is designed for analysis of long-term EEG - Holter. Java developed, it supports medical and logbook anotations, epileptic events data, graphics and EDF files.


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EHRflex is an archetype-based clinical registry system (EHR) independent of a particular reference model. It uses clinical archetypes as guidelines for the automatic generation of web interfaces, oriented to a clinical use and data introduction.


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OpenHRE is the world's first open source toolkit that provides a standard and secure means to exchange data between existing health records systems. With OpenHRE, health professionals can locate, access, and review clinical data related to a specific health consumer, or acquire de-identified clinical data for population studies.