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OMERO is client-server software for visualisation, management and analysis of biological microscope images.

From the microscope to publication, OMERO handles all your images in a secure central repository. You can view, organise, analyse and share your data from anywhere you have internet access. Work with your images from a desktop app (Windows, Mac or Linux), from the web or from 3rd party software.


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Weasis is a multipurpose web-based viewer with a highly modular architecture. It has been designed to meet several expectations of clinical information systems and their future evolution regarding medical imaging: providing a web-based access to radiological images, as well as offering multimedia capabilities.

Weasis can be easily interfaced to any PACS supporting WADO via a web portal or as an XDS-I consumer in an IHE (Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise) environment (not yet fully implemented). It has been successfully interfaced to dcm4chee and commercial PACS.