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Model-Driven Health Tools (MDHT)

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Open Health Tools Model-Driven Health Tools (MDHT) Project is a wide-ranging open source effort to promote interoperability in healthcare infrastructure. It promotes shared artifacts between related healthcare standards and standards development organizations, and works to develop localized specifications. It also delivers a common modeling framework and tools that support seamless integration of design, publication, and runtime artifact creation.

openEHR Ruby

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This is a stable release of Ruby openEHR implementation project. This release is based on openEHR specification release 1.0.2. We implemented almost of the specifications of the openEHR. The work is still in progress to implement related tools, such as archetype validator or serializer. Formerly, we named this package as open_ehr, but changed to openehr from release 1.1.0. 1.0.x versions are obsoleted. The intention is to have a sample EHR to utilize all over the world quickly with Ruby on Rails for many other porject.

This package includes:

ADL 1.4 parser