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php Easy Survey Package (phpESP)

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phpESP is a collection of PHP scripts to let non-technical users create surveys, administer surveys, gather results, view statistics. All managed online after database initialization.


Your rating: None Average: 4.2 (6 votes)

OpenMEDIS is a simple, flexible, and standardized tool to collect (inventory) and process (manage) information on health technology infrastructure, e.g. medical devices in low- and middle income countries.

PixelMed Java DICOM Toolkit

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PixelMed Java DICOM Toolkit is a stand-alone DICOM toolkit that implements code for reading and creating DICOM data, DICOM network and file support, a database of DICOM objects, support for display of directories, images, reports and spectra, and DICOM object validation.

The toolkit is a completely new implementation, which does not depend on any other DICOM tools, commercial or free. It does make use of other freely available pure Java tools for compression and XML and database support.


Your rating: None Average: 2 (7 votes)

Photograph, manage, view, compare, document healing processes and archive digital pictures fully integrated into doctor's practice systems. Take a photo and immediately see how the picture gets archived to your current patient automatically.

HL7 Inspector

Your rating: None Average: 2.8 (15 votes)

The HL7 Inspector is a useful hl7 tool for integration the HL7 in a health care environmental. It will help you to minimize the time for tuning the HL7 communication between systems such as HIS and RIS by analyzing and validating HL7 messages.


Your rating: None Average: 2.7 (6 votes)

EHR-Gen Open Framework is a generator of electronic medical record systems based on openEHR standard and dynamic technologies like Grails Framework and the Groovy language.


Your rating: None Average: 3.9 (22 votes)

OpenSourcePACS is a free, open source image referral, archiving, routing and viewing system. It adds functionality beyond conventional PACS by integrating wet read functions, implemented through DICOM Presentation State and Structured Reporting standards.

In its first release, OpenSourcePACS delivers a complete wet read system, enabling an imaging clinic or hospital to offer its services over the web to physicians within or outside the institution. In future releases, we hope to incorporate more RIS (dictation, transcription, and reporting) functionality.


Your rating: None Average: 3.5 (4 votes)

Laika analyzes and reports on the interoperability capabilities of EHR systems. This includes the testing for certification of EHR software products and networks.

To support EHR data interoperability testing, Laika is designed to verify the input and output of EHR data against the standards and criteria identified by the Certification Commission for Health Information Technology (CCHIT). Laika is used by the Certification Commission to perform part of the interoperability certification inspection of EHRs.


Your rating: None Average: 3.8 (5 votes)

tinyHeb is a billing software for midwives in Germany to do the legal accounting with the health insurance companies in Germany. tinyHeb runs under Linux and Windows operating systems. It enables the midwives to produce paper and electronic bills, and meets the legal requirements of §301a, §302 SGB V, resp. The tariff structure introduced in 2007 is no problem at all.

Real-time Outbreak and Disease Surveillance (RODS)

Your rating: None Average: 2.7 (6 votes)

"Real-time Outbreak and Disease Surveillance (RODS) is open-source public health surveillance software. RODS collects and analyzes disease surveillance data in real time and has been in development since 1999 by the RODS Laboratory. In 2002, the Utah Department of Health used the software for monitoring during the Winter Olympics Games. At present, health departments and other groups in the United States, Canada and Taiwan use the software."
