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Hospital Schedule

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Hospital Schedule was developed in late 2006 by Mr.Chanwit Tantipattarasilp, Pharmacist at Plaengyao Hospital. Its was developed to decrease manager workload for planning and scheduling employees within monthly time. Its can smartly calculated and report employees compensation for financial department to pay. Its designed for any platform independent under open source concept. Develope in based of web application, PHP, Javascript and others on adodb databases eg. MySQL and others.


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EHRflex is an archetype-based clinical registry system (EHR) independent of a particular reference model. It uses clinical archetypes as guidelines for the automatic generation of web interfaces, oriented to a clinical use and data introduction.


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DICOM# open source project is intented to provide an OO class library for DICOM communication and will be developed purely by C# and running in .NET environment. DICOM# partially rewrites dcm4che open source project in C#.


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The Electronic medical record Support for Public health (ESP) project is an automated software application, that analyzes electronic medical record (EMR) data, to identify and report conditions of interest to public health and other agencies.

Project HealthDesign Common Platform

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The Project HealthDesign Common Platform is a set of software components that provide common, shared functions to a variety of personal health applications (PHAs). The goal of “centralizing” these functions is to reduce personal health application implementation time and increase interoperability among the PHAs. The common platform components are currently implemented as web services that PHAs may access via standard web interfaces. Services exist for storing observations and medications, as well as for providing authentication, registry, and access-control functions.


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Oviyam is a web based DICOM Viewer. Using standard DICOM protocols patient lists can be queried, particular series or studies retrieved and be displayed as JPEG images in your browser. Oviyam will work with any DICOM server that supports WADO (Web Access to DICOM Persistent Objects).

Oviyam is a free download and is pre-packaged for deployment with JBoss.
The source is triple licensed under MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1.

Oviyam is built using the dcm4che toolkit and framework.


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Sahana is a Free and Open Source Disaster Management system. It is a web based collaboration tool that addresses the common coordination problems during a disaster from finding missing people, managing aid, managing volunteers, tracking camps effectively between Government groups, the civil society (NGOs) and the victims themselves.

Sahana has 2 different flavours: Eden and Agasti.

Tolven Health Record

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The Tolven platform and ePHR and eCHR applications enable interoperability across electronic health records for consumers and clinicians. Using Java, EJB3, Faces, Facelets, AJAX, relational database, and LDAP for security.


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The aim of phpMedCare is the developement of an "electronic health record" with the target of smaller or specialized hospitals (for example geriatric) and nursing homes (retirement homes).

My Health Portal

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The project is yet in the planning phase.

MHP is an abbreviation for Min hälsoportal and is Swedish for My Health Portal. The MHP is a project that aims at making the public health-care in Sweden more accessible through the Internet. The main objectives are to make it possible for patients to consult medical expertise via video conferencing, to generate importable calendar files for the patient´s health-care contacts and also to keep track of their medications and for sample-takings.

The main features of MHP are:
