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ImageJ is a public domain Java image processing program inspired by NIH Image for the Macintosh. It runs, either as an online applet or as a downloadable application, on any computer with a Java 1.4 or later virtual machine. Downloadable distributions are available for Windows, Mac OS, Mac OS X and Linux.

XDS.b Document Registry and Document Repository Solution Accelerator

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Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing XDS.b is a Microsoft Connected Health Platform Solution Accelerator based on the IHE ( XDS.b integration profile. XDS.b facilitates the registration, distribution and access across health enterprises of patient electronic information in document format.
The Solution Accelerator implements the XDS.b Document Registry with the Async option and the XDS.b Document Repository with the Async option.


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STIR is Open Source software for use in tomographic imaging. Its aim is to provide a Multi-Platform Object-Oriented framework for all data manipulations in tomographic imaging. Currently, the emphasis is on (iterative) image reconstruction in PET, but other application areas and imaging modalities can and might be added.

STIR is the successor of the PARAPET software library which was the result of a (European Union funded) collaboration between 6 different partners (see Credits).

HL7v3 Test Harness

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"The HL7 Test Harness system is an HL7 v3 message conformance testing application that also provides the ability to simulate the message processing actions of a client and/or server system. The app provides message workflow, format and content testing."


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EEG-Holter is designed for analysis of long-term EEG - Holter. Java developed, it supports medical and logbook anotations, epileptic events data, graphics and EDF files.


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Snofyre is an open source, service oriented API for creating SNOMED CT enabled applications in Java. It provides a number of SNOMED CT related services out of the box. These services can be used:

  • as a starter for understanding how to add SNOMED CT functionality to an application.
  • to rapidly prototype a SNOMED CT enabled application.

Snofyre API aims to

  • reduce the 'ramp up' time needed to understand
  • and embed SNOMED CT functionality in an application.


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DicomBrowser is an application for inspecting and modifying DICOM metadata in many files at once. A single imaging session can produce thousands of DICOM files; DicomBrowser allows users to view and edit a whole session—or even multiple sessions—at once. Users can save the original or modified files to disk, or send them across a network to a DICOM C-STORE service class provider, such as a PACS or an XNAT.

Perl HL7 Toolkit

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This project provides a simple but flexible Perl Toolkit for using the HL7 protocol. The toolkit consists of a Perl API, an implementation of a pluggable forking HL7 server, and an HL7 message queue daemon for developing HL7 capable applications in Perl.


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DICOM# open source project is intented to provide an OO class library for DICOM communication and will be developed purely by C# and running in .NET environment. DICOM# partially rewrites dcm4che open source project in C#.
