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Zephyr Open is a code project to provide a framework for BlueTooth Physiological Sensors. Heart rate Monitors and Wii Remotes are obvous starting point, but we will continue to grow the device list as they enter the market. What kind of mashups can you envision? Games for rehab? distributed game play? virtual coaching?

With the framework is a simple SWING Application to search and connect to Zephyr products. Users can connect devices and view reports in real time. This data can also be streamed to the web via FTP or directly into your gmail account via ATOM feeds.

PROSIT Disease Modelling Community

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PROSIT is an international scientific open source development community for health economic disease models in medicine. prosit [latin] = "it shall be useful"

Aim of this development community is to provide valid and lasting open source disease models for chronic diseases such as diabetes. Disease models for relevant late complications of diabetes mellitus (i.e. nephropathy, retinopathy, diabetic foot syndrome, stroke, myocardial infarction) have been developed. The future mission is to integrate also models for other chronic diseases such as asthma, COPD and more.