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UBY DICOM is a cross-platform library for handling DICOM files and network communication in the Ruby language. DICOM is a standard that is widely used throughout the world for saving and transmitting image data used in medicine. The library supports reading, editing and writing files as well as querying, retrieving and sending files.

MITO - Medical Imaging TOolkit

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The "MITO - Medical Imaging TOolkit" project coagulates a number of activities aimed at defining and implementing an open-source, cross-platform software architecture for advanced Medical Imaging. MITO toolkit makes it possible to fetch radiological information and images stored in a PACS according to the standard format DICOM, then provides the final user with basic functionalities such as 2D-3D visualization (VR, SR, MIP), image segmentation and fusion, ROI. Moreover, MITO provides interaction techniques for manipulating 3D medical data in a virtual environment by 2 DOF input devices.


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MITK 3M3 is a free and user-friendly application which ensures effective and efficient work, analysis, and visualization of radiological image data.

MITK 3M3 gives you access to the latest algorithms and methods from research. The cooperation between the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and mint medical allows for a rapid transfer of leading-edge research topics, including diffusion imaging and automated segmentation techniques. MITK 3M3 will be constantly extended with the addition of new software modules to bring the latest research work to your computer.


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Xebra is an open source, cross-platform, thin client and server for web-based distribution and clinical review of medical imaging results. Xebra is based on the latest open industry standards including JPEG2000, WADO and IHE XDS-I.


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Oviyam is a web based DICOM Viewer. Using standard DICOM protocols patient lists can be queried, particular series or studies retrieved and be displayed as JPEG images in your browser. Oviyam will work with any DICOM server that supports WADO (Web Access to DICOM Persistent Objects).

Oviyam is a free download and is pre-packaged for deployment with JBoss.
The source is triple licensed under MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1.

Oviyam is built using the dcm4che toolkit and framework.

Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK)

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The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) is a free open-source software system for development of interactive medical image processing software. MITK combines the Insight Toolkit (ITK) and the Visualization Toolkit (VTK) with an application framework. As a toolkit, MITK offers those features that are relevant for the development of interactive medical imaging software covered neither by ITK nor VTK.

Core features of the MITK platform:


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DicomBrowser is an application for inspecting and modifying DICOM metadata in many files at once. A single imaging session can produce thousands of DICOM files; DicomBrowser allows users to view and edit a whole session—or even multiple sessions—at once. Users can save the original or modified files to disk, or send them across a network to a DICOM C-STORE service class provider, such as a PACS or an XNAT.

PixelMed Java DICOM Toolkit

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PixelMed Java DICOM Toolkit is a stand-alone DICOM toolkit that implements code for reading and creating DICOM data, DICOM network and file support, a database of DICOM objects, support for display of directories, images, reports and spectra, and DICOM object validation.

The toolkit is a completely new implementation, which does not depend on any other DICOM tools, commercial or free. It does make use of other freely available pure Java tools for compression and XML and database support.

Charrua DICOM Toolkit

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DICOM basic constructs used to create the tools at Its C++ code is a re-interpretation of the original UCDMC library by Mark Oskin. It tries to be much simpler and compact, also uses many Borland VCL specific structures.

Axial 360

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  • Axial 360 is an interface engine and connector library that enables health care systems of all types - hospital systems, lab systems, EHRs, HIEs, etc - to share clinical data when it is needed.
  • Axial 360 is built using best-of-bread open source components that enable improved scalability, extensibility, and modularity relative to other interface engines.
  • Axial 360 will feature a library of free “connectors” developed by the open source community, that will reduce the time required to interface with applications.
