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Oviyam is a web based DICOM Viewer. Using standard DICOM protocols patient lists can be queried, particular series or studies retrieved and be displayed as JPEG images in your browser. Oviyam will work with any DICOM server that supports WADO (Web Access to DICOM Persistent Objects).

Oviyam is a free download and is pre-packaged for deployment with JBoss.
The source is triple licensed under MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1.

Oviyam is built using the dcm4che toolkit and framework.


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Full featured free PACS based on ctn or dcm4chee, dcmtk and mysql, with remote accessiom using apache and perl available for Linux in Debian packaging format for i386, amd64 and Mac OS darwin i386 and ppc.

Conquest DICOM software

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Full featured DICOM server based on and heavily extending the public domain UCDMC DICOM code developed by Mark Oskin.


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"pgctn" is an open source DICOM server/web-based viewing system. It is made by using PHP and javascript. PostgreSQL (also MySQL), CTN (also DCM4CHE), DCMTK and other open source software are used for the back end. The feature is to improve using the AJAX.


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OMERO is client-server software for visualisation, management and analysis of biological microscope images.

From the microscope to publication, OMERO handles all your images in a secure central repository. You can view, organise, analyse and share your data from anywhere you have internet access. Work with your images from a desktop app (Windows, Mac or Linux), from the web or from 3rd party software.

MRIdb: Medical imaging database

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MRIdb is an end-to-end data management system for MRI, combining the DCM4CHEE DICOM server with a bespoke front-end packaged into an easily deployable virtual machine. It interfaces directly with MRI scanners and handles image storage, retrieval and export. It provides role-based access control, patient-study assignment, and extensive auditing. MRIdb is the result of an ongoing collaboration between the BSS and the Imaging Sciences Department of Imperial College.


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Weasis is a multipurpose web-based viewer with a highly modular architecture. It has been designed to meet several expectations of clinical information systems and their future evolution regarding medical imaging: providing a web-based access to radiological images, as well as offering multimedia capabilities.

Weasis can be easily interfaced to any PACS supporting WADO via a web portal or as an XDS-I consumer in an IHE (Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise) environment (not yet fully implemented). It has been successfully interfaced to dcm4chee and commercial PACS.

Librehealth Radiology

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The Radiology module aims at adding capabilities of a Radiology Information system (RIS) into LibreHealth Toolkit.


Develop a module capable of manage information in a radiology department.


Your rating: None Average: 4 (35 votes)

Orthanc aims at providing a simple, yet powerful standalone DICOM server. Orthanc can turn any computer running Windows or Linux into a DICOM store (in other words, a mini-PACS system). Its architecture is lightweight, meaning that no complex database administration is required, nor the installation of third-party dependencies.


Your rating: None Average: 4.1 (23 votes)

dcm4che is a collection of open source applications and utilities for the healthcare enterprise. These applications have been developed in the Java programming language for performance and portability, supporting deployment on JDK 1.4 and up.

At the core of the dcm4che project is a robust implementation of the DICOM standard. The dcm4che-1.x DICOM toolkit is used in many production applications across the world, while the current (2.x) version of the toolkit has been re-architected for high performance and flexibility.