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REMITT is a revolutionary medical information translation and transmission system, which is primarily used for preparing and submitting medical billing data.

REMITT works independent of any specific electronic medical record (EMR) or practice management (PM) system, and can interface with any EMR or PM system which implements its application programming interface (API). The first system to do so has been FreeMED.

Currently Supported Formats

  • HCFA-1500/CRM-1500
  • ANSI NSF X12 837 Professional

Currently Supported Output Types


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CTSim simulates the process of transmitting X-rays through phantom objects. These X-ray data are called projections. CTSim reconstructs the original phantom image from the projections using a variety of algorithms. Additionally, CTSim has a wide array of image analysis and image processing functions.


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Library and program to read the german health insurance card (KVK) and the german electronic health card (eGK) from a certified card reading device on the serial port in Linux with kernel 2.6.x.

PixelMed Java DICOM Toolkit

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PixelMed Java DICOM Toolkit is a stand-alone DICOM toolkit that implements code for reading and creating DICOM data, DICOM network and file support, a database of DICOM objects, support for display of directories, images, reports and spectra, and DICOM object validation.

The toolkit is a completely new implementation, which does not depend on any other DICOM tools, commercial or free. It does make use of other freely available pure Java tools for compression and XML and database support.


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The IHE Cross Enterprise Document Sharing (XDS.b) integration profile facilitates the registration, distribution and access across health enterprises of patient electronic health records. XDS.b is focused on providing a standards-based specification for managing the sharing of medical summary documents between any healthcare enterprise, ranging from a private physician office to a clinic to an acute care in-patient facility.


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A Cross-platform DICOM viewer developed in Java using the dcm4che toolkit. Mayam is still work under progress. The current features are:

  • DICOM Listener for Q/R
  • DICOM Send
  • Local DB for storing study information
  • Importing DICOM studies from local disk
  • Parsing DicomDir from local disk or CD
  • Query compressed studies without decompressing them
  • Multiple Studies viewer using Layout,Tab view


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V3D-Viewer is a DICOM and "Philips V3D 3DRA" Medical Volume Viewer based on .NET and the VTK library. With marching cubes, 3d planes and (3D texture) volume rendering, including histogram transparency and intensity curve selection tool.


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Kradview is a GPLed viewer of images obtained for some different sources: X-ray, NMR and DICOM-compatible imaging devices that runs on free operating systems. Its aim is a easy to use DICOM viewer with instant rendering of images, no matter the size and the zoom of the DICOM image. It covers the "let's see the the X-ray image" need of the medical professional.


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HL7 file viewer, in tree-view format, with associated segment/field documentation. The latest release now includes editing, at all levels in the tree-view, e.g segment, field or component values. Purpose is for testing and bug-tracing HL7 communications.


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The project stands for Medical Image Conversion. Released under the (L)GPL licence, it comes with the full C-source code of the library, a flexible command-line utility and a neat graphical front-end using the Gtk+ toolkit. The supported formats are: Acr/Nema 2.0, Analyze (SPM), Concorde/µPET, DICOM 3.0, CTI ECAT 6/7, NIfTI-1, InterFile3.3 and PNG or Gif87a/89a.
