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Aether is a platform. It’s not tool that can just be deployed and used out of the box (but if that’s what you’re looking for, you might want to look at Gather). Instead it’s a set of modules and best practices for the real-time manipulation and publication of data to a destination of your choice.
Aether is for you if:
you already have a large amount of data, but it’s in a format that makes it unwieldy or hard to use
you have a data source and a data location, but you just can’t get them to speak the same language


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The open-eObs platform is now released online as open source software for the NHS.

The observations and clinical assessment platform offers a real-time view of all patients across a ward.
The software includes views for the information, from bedside to ward management, bed management, hospital at night, handover and escalation between clinical teams.

GNU Health

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GNU Health (previously known as "Medical") is a free Health and Hospital Information System that provides the following functionality:

  • Electronic Medical Record (EMR)
  • Hospital Information System (HIS)
  • Health Information System

GNU Health at a glance:
