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FreeMedForms is a multi-user, Open EMR (electronic medical record) manager. It is free and open source.

The main objective of FreeMedForms is to create a highly dynamic EMR manager where patient files are defined by a set of XML scripted files. Interoperability and internationalization are main objectives too.

FreeMedForms is intended to be used:

  • in general medical practice (unique doctor office, groups),
  • in clinics and hospitals,
  • in clinical research groups.

The application can be easily improved thanks to the intensive usage of plugins. The code is available on a public SVN and is documented in english only.


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OpenEyes is a collaborative, open source, project led by Moorfields Eye Hospital. The goal is to produce a framework which will allow the rapid, and continuous development of electronic patient records (EPR) with contributions from Hospitals, Institutions, Academic departments, Companies, and Individuals.
The initial focus is on Ophthalmology, but the design is sufficiently flexible to be used for any clinical specialty.

OpenClinic GA

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OpenClinic GA is an open source integrated hospital information management system covering management of administrative, financial, clinical, lab, x-ray, pharmacy, meals distribution and other data. Extensive statistical and reporting capabilities.



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OSCAR (Open Source Clinical Application and Resource) from McMaster University is a web-based EMR (electronic medical record) system developed for academic primary care clinics yet suitable in specialty and non-teaching practices. It integrates with Drugref to provide Canadian pharmacopea.