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PUMA repository

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The PUMA Repository (Pascal units for medical applications) is a collection of reusable source code for bioinformatics. It is compatible with Lazarus and Free Pascal, parts of the source code can also be used with Delphi and winsoft Pocket Studio.
Components of the PUMA repository include a unit converter for transforming instrumentation readouts consisting of a numerical value and a measurement unit, and an HL7 engine for reading, parsing, compiling and writing HL7 messages.


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SPINA (structure parameter inference approach) is a method for calculating constant structure parameters of endocrine feedback control systems in vivo from hormone levels obtained from serum or plasma.

A first successful implementation applies to evaluation of thyroid function. It allows for calculating the thyroid's maximum secretory capacity (GT or SPINA-GT) and the sum activity of peripheral 5'-deiodinases (GD or SPINA-GD) from levels of TSH, (F)T4 and (F)T3 that have been determined once only (SPINA Thyr).

GNU Health

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GNU Health (previously known as "Medical") is a free Health and Hospital Information System that provides the following functionality:

  • Electronic Medical Record (EMR)
  • Hospital Information System (HIS)
  • Health Information System

GNU Health at a glance: