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Gestion de cabinet médicaux (GECAMed)

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The GECAMed “Gestion de cabinet médicaux” project was initially started after the bankruptcy of a commercial software company in Luxembourg, which provided software for patient data management.

The consequece was that all physicians using this software found themselves in a difficult situation. There was no longer any support for their medical cabinet management software, while their electronic patient records were in danger to be lost or become inaccessable.

Mountain Meadow EMR

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Mountain Meadow EM is an Office Electronic Medical Record, which is fast, reliable and customizable. Microsoft .NET client programs connect to a local server on the network. Smaller offices can use SQL Server Express. Program pieces compilable with VB or C# Express.


Your rating: None Average: 2 (7 votes)

The MedinTux project is a medical records managing software which aim the most to adapt its users. Thereby it is build with the permanent purpose to assist and relieve its users in their daily work.

We’ve worked a lot on the user-friendliness side of the software, thinking that any medical practitioner not necessarily accustomed to computing could manage and edit his records without any external helps. And because every members of the dev-team is professionaly implicated in the healthy body, we’ve succeeded in the many aspects of doing such a software !


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The Technology Assisted Practice Application Suite (TAPAS) is a model to assist primary care physicians use technology in a targeted manner in their practices. It is an open source (GPL 2.0) collection of tools.

Res Medicinae

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Res Medicinae is to become a comprising software solution for use in Medicine which combines intuitive ease of use with great flexibility, reached through the usage of CYBOP technology. It wants to adhere to common standards for medical software, wherever useful, and will thus be open to other systems. Using the CYBOL language, users are enabled to, themselves, modify applications.

Res Medicinae is the attempt to overcome high pricing in the realm of Medical Information Systems and to provide users with a free, stable, secure, platform-independent, extensive system.


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FreeMedForms is a multi-user, Open EMR (electronic medical record) manager. It is free and open source.

The main objective of FreeMedForms is to create a highly dynamic EMR manager where patient files are defined by a set of XML scripted files. Interoperability and internationalization are main objectives too.

FreeMedForms is intended to be used:

  • in general medical practice (unique doctor office, groups),
  • in clinics and hospitals,
  • in clinical research groups.

The application can be easily improved thanks to the intensive usage of plugins. The code is available on a public SVN and is documented in english only.