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The openGPSoC project came to life in September 2012 after a conversation at NHS Hack Day ’2′ in Liverpool. The idea of a fully open source GP clinical system has been suggested and discussed many times in the past, however due to the stringent requirements of any such software it is recognised as a very hard thing to try to achieve. While we recognised this difficulty, we also felt there were a number of opportunities at present which might make such a project possible.

Open ISES (Open Information Systems for Emergency Services)

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If you work or volunteer as part of an emergency service agency today, you face an enormous task. It makes no difference if you are a firefighter, a paramedic, an operator as part of an amateur radio group or a member of a citizen emergency response team, you have huge responsibilities. At the Open ISES Project, we are here to help you meet those needs and responsibilities through the use of free, open source software and support materials.