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popHealth is a prototype open source tool that automates population health reporting. popHealth integrates with a provider’s electronic health record (EHR) system to produce summary quality measures on the provider’s patient population and streamlines the reporting of these measures.

Sinapsis HIS

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Sinapsis-HIS is a Health Information System designed as a collection of Hospital Information Systems that synchronize their databases with a single region-wide database that contains all medical records and other information in a unified format.

  • Sinapsis contains Care2x software ported to PHP5 and rewritten with a clearer 3-tier architecture (Presentation, Logic and Database)
  • Currently has the original Patient and Medical Record modules, as well as a (new) Interconsultation module (other modules will be rewritten following the 3-tier architecture)

Open Enterprise Master Patient Index (OpenEMPI)

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OpenEMPI is an open source implementation of an Enterprise Master Patient (EMPI) which is a repository that maintains a registry of all patients across an enterprise.