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Ogles2 is an interactive slice and volume visualization and analysis tool based on Open Inventor / Coin3D. Ogles2 allows for reproducing the workflow of frame based stereotactic neurosurgery. In the long run it strives for being an open source stereotactic planning and analysis system. Ogles2 is NOT APPROVED FOR CLINICAL USE.


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CollaboRhythm is a technology platform that enables a new paradigm of healthcare delivery; one where patients are empowered to become active participants and where doctors and other health professionals are transformed into real-time coaches. We believe that this radical shift in thinking is necessary to dramatically reduce healthcare costs, increase quality, and improve health outcomes.


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The OpenEEG project is about creating a low cost EEG device. Working hardware has been built and is in a late beta stage. Software is still only alpha.

Many people are interested in what is called neurofeedback or EEG biofeedback training, a generic mental training method which makes the trainee consciously aware of the general activity in the brain. This method shows great potential for improving many mental capabilities and exploring consciousness. Other people want to do experiments with brain-computer interfaces or just want to have a look at their brain at work.