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Web-based GIS for spatial pattern detection: application to malaria incidence in Vietnam.

Submitted by karopka on Wed, 2016/08/10 - 14:50
TitleWeb-based GIS for spatial pattern detection: application to malaria incidence in Vietnam.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsBui, TQuang, Pham, HMinh
Date Published2016

INTRODUCTION: There is a great concern on how to build up an interoperable health information system of public health and health information technology within the development of public information and health surveillance programme. Technically, some major issues remain regarding to health data visualization, spatial processing of health data, health information dissemination, data sharing and the access of local communities to health information. In combination with GIS, we propose a technical framework for web-based health data visualization and spatial analysis.METHODS: Data was collected from open map-servers and geocoded by open data kit package and data geocoding tools. The Web-based system is designed based on Open-source frameworks and libraries. The system provides Web-based analyst tool for pattern detection through three spatial tests: Nearest neighbour, K function, and Spatial Autocorrelation.RESULTS: The result is a web-based GIS, through which end users can detect disease patterns via selecting area, spatial test parameters and contribute to managers and decision makers. The end users can be health practitioners, educators, local communities, health sector authorities and decision makers. This web-based system allows for the improvement of health related services to public sector users as well as citizens in a secure manner.CONCLUSIONS: The combination of spatial statistics and web-based GIS can be a solution that helps empower health practitioners in direct and specific intersectional actions, thus provide for better analysis, control and decision-making.

Alternate JournalSpringerplus
PubMed ID27441133
PubMed Central IDPMC4938832
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