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Dicom Widow

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WIndows Dicom Open Viewer, is a simple viewer for DICOM medical images, to be used especially on removable devices (such as Patient CDs). It is partially based on ezDICOM sources.


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DICOM# open source project is intented to provide an OO class library for DICOM communication and will be developed purely by C# and running in .NET environment. DICOM# partially rewrites dcm4che open source project in C#.


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"Command line utilities for creating, modifying, dumping and validating files of DICOM attributes, and conversion of proprietary image formats to DICOM. Can handle older ACR/NEMA format data, and some proprietary versions of that such as SPI."


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The purpose of the dicom4j platform is to provide java components related to the Dicom Standard. For those purpose, the platform is based on 4 areas:

  • framework: framework which implements the standards
  • toolkit: offer ways to easily develop software based on the framework
  • plugins: end-user components which adress commons needs you can find in most dicom applications
  • apps: stand alone applications for end-user or tests purpose


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DicomBrowser is an application for inspecting and modifying DICOM metadata in many files at once. A single imaging session can produce thousands of DICOM files; DicomBrowser allows users to view and edit a whole session—or even multiple sessions—at once. Users can save the original or modified files to disk, or send them across a network to a DICOM C-STORE service class provider, such as a PACS or an XNAT.


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dicompyler is an extensible, fully open source radiation therapy research platform based on the DICOM standard. It also functions as a cross-platform viewer for DICOM and DICOM RT objects. dicompyler is written in Python and is built on pydicom, wxPython, PIL, and matplotlib and runs on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.


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Dicoogle is an open source Picture Archiving and Communications System (PACS) archive. Its modular architecture allows the quick development of new functionalities, due the availability of a Software Development Kit (SDK).

District Health Information Software 2 (DHIS 2)

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The DHIS 2 is a tool for collection, validation, analysis, and presentation of aggregate statistical data, tailored (but not limited) to integrated health information management activities. It is a generic tool rather than a pre-configured database application, with an open meta-data model and a flexible user interface that allows the user to design the contents of a specific information system without the need for programming. DHIS 2 and upwards is a modular web-based software package built with free and open source Java frameworks.
