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MediPy is a cross-platform software (Windows, Linux, Mac OS), dedicated to the visualization and processing aspects of medical imaging. It is targeted at both physicians and researchers, being both user-friendly and easy to extend. Physicians will benefit from the pre-programmed tasks (e.g. segmentation, registration, detection of lesions) and the possibility to record new tasks, tailoring the software to each user. The use of standard file formats (Analyze/Nifti, Dicom) allows to load image from many sources, as well as integrate to a PACS.

Researchers will be able to rapidly develop new tools using a set of well-documented programming interfaces in either Python for a high productivity or C++ for high performances. A bridge allowing an easy exchange of data between the two languages brings both worlds together. Using the code base of third-party image processing libraries (e.g. SPM or ITK) or visualization libraries (VTK) is easily achieved with the use of adapters to those libraries.