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The MediPi Telehealth System is a simple implementation of a Telehealth patient/client system. It has been developed to be flexible and extensible.

This project started as a demonstration of a general telehealth system but with clinical involvement from a Trust in the South of England, it has been developed into a Heart Failure implementation. The project is written in Java using JavaFX but includes two python classes. The python scripts are used for convenience to interface with their respective USB medical devices, but the functionality could be incorporated into Java using an open source Java USB library.


  • Records data from:
    • Finger Oximeter
    • Diagnostic Scales
    • Blood Pressure Meter (upper arm cuff)
    • Patient Yes/No Daily Questionnaire
  • Flexible Scheduler
  • Direct text based message from clinician
  • Secure Flexible Transmitter
  • Remotely configurable

This is a list of functionality to date which has been created under guidance from clinicians. It is not an exhaustive list and is intended to be expanded.

As MediPi is written in Java (other than the 2 Python scripts outlined above), it can be run on any system which has an appropriate JRE and thus is cross platform. The Heart Failure implementation of MediPi has been executed using a Raspberry Pi 2 Model B or Raspberry Pi 3 with a Touch Display.

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